Need to bill a customer invoice for a line-item on a vendor bill

justdavejustdave Member Posts: 15

The business I'm accounting for is a homeowner's association. We provide trash pickup service for the neighborhood as part of the association dues (the residents love this because we get a bulk discount and it's significantly cheaper than getting it themselves). Occasionally a resident will not get their can out on the curb in time to be picked up, and will call the trash company to have them come get it after the fact. Of course, the trash company charges us a fee on the next bill because they had to come back off-schedule to get it. I need to charge that resident on their invoice for that fee.

The obvious way to do it is with a reimbursement account, and handle it like you would a reimbursed expense... except that I can't find any way to pick the same account to map that line-item on the bill that I'm using to map that line item on the resident's invoice. It appears I need to have an income account to put on the invoice, and a expense account to put on the bill line item. Even if I allow the same product/service to be both bought and sold, I can't pick the same account for both buying and selling.

Right now I'm working around this with a trash expense and trash income categories, and doing a manual transfer from one to the other in addition to the bill and the invoice, but to me that seems like unnecessary additional work. Why can't I just use the same account for both and have it be automatic?


  • AlexLAlexL Member Posts: 2,869 ✭✭✭

    Hey @justdave , you're handling this the best way that you can. I'm afraid that what you're trying to do just happens to exceed the functionality of Wave's basic invoicing and billing products without having to create a transfer or Journal Transaction at the moment.

    edited December 8, 2020
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