Bill Showing Unpaid After Receiving Refund

AveragePerson2020AveragePerson2020 Member Posts: 1

Imported Bank transactions and added bill to one and refund of bill to the deposit/income on the account.
When applying the refund tag to the income/refund. It shows the bill is unpaid in the Bills section.


  • JulianPJulianP Member Posts: 1,002 ✭✭✭

    Hey @AveragePerson2020 !

    Great question. The only method I would suggest in order to 'settle' this bill (for lack of a better word) is to:

    1. Go to Purchases > Bills
    2. Add a line item with the same expense category but with a negative dollar value that is equal to the amount of the refund.
    3. In the Notes section, add some reference notes about clearing this bill out for your records

    This will then mark the bill as Paid so it does not affect your Aged Payables reports.

    To be safe, I recommend reaching out to a professional CPA to ensure you get the correct accounting advice. I hope this helps!

    edited December 7, 2020
  • AetherAether Member Posts: 3

    Ran into this today; seems like a loose end that really should be tied up.

    I understand there may be a situation where you refund a bill in Wave only to pay it again later with a different transaction but that seems unlikely to be the common use case. I'm sure many folks just want that bill to stay "settled" and simply record that it was refunded.

    If Wave presents the explicit option on a transaction to mark it as a refund for a bill then that bill should be handled gracefully. It's confusing for customers to see the bill appear as overdue and unpaid all over Wave; leaving the bill open/unsettled is just incorrect and disruptive.

    If the suggested work around is the "correct" way to close out a refunded (and closed) bill then I would recommend some sort of confirmation window when marking a transaction as a refund for a bill. It could ask the user if they want to close/settle the bill or leave it open. If they choose to close it then Wave can perform the actions required automatically. If they choose to leave it open then do nothing.

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