Cash Flow Statement incorrect vs Transactions

zaacczaacc Member Posts: 3

I've noticed this a few months now: the cash flow figures don't reflect the transactions I've entered. Eg right now, the "Net Cash Change" for this month is accurate vs the invoices I've recorded, but the Gross Cash Outflow is higher and there's a Net Cash Change that is not reflected in my transactions for the month.

I've tried a different browser (that I haven't used before for Wave, so it's "fresh"). And this has happened a few times now that I've noticed. I saw others have had similar problems but have not yet seen a resolution I can replicate myself.

Can anyone please assist?


  • AlexLAlexL Member Posts: 2,869 ✭✭✭

    Hey @mbfa , if you click the "show details" button at the bottom of the report, this will break everything down by account. Can you confirm with names and screenshots in which accounts these over inflations are taking place?

    You mention using a different browser. Are these errors only happening with a certain browser or are you saying that changing browsers didn't actually help you with it?

    Let us know!

  • zaacczaacc Member Posts: 3

    Hi @AlexL , thanks for your reply.

    First re the browser - changing browsers didn't help (ie there was no "cached data" etc that was causing the erroneous data, as I hadn't used the second browser for Wave before).

    Re where the inflation is taking place:
    The error is in a fictitious outflow amount that is not linked to any transactions.

    This image shows ALL TRANSACTIONS that were recorded for Nov 2020, with the accurate Cash Inflow figure. This is the only account in which transactions are recorded (and that only account that is used).

    However where Gross Cash inflow and outflow are displayed, I get an inflated inflow amount, a fictitious outflow amount (there are no outflow transactions recorded for that month yet AT ALL), and the resulting NET CASH CHANGE representing the accurate inflow amount:

  • AlexLAlexL Member Posts: 2,869 ✭✭✭

    Hey @zaacc , can you check your invoices for that period to see if you have any discounts on them (line items marked with a negative sign)? Discounts are considered Cash Outflow as well.

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