Bank Connection not updating

ken_bail3yken_bail3y Member Posts: 8

Bank connection that has been established for over a year and working well has not updated in 2 weeks. There are several transactions during this period. It is a large US bank.
Further, in an attempt to delete the connection and reconnect, the software will not allow me to delete it without redirecting payouts. Yet it will not accept the change to another connected bank account. The alternative accouunt is selected yet after hitting Continue the message only confirms the change back to the original account.

edited December 21, 2020 in Bank Connections


  • APColemanAPColeman Member Posts: 15

    I have the same issue as you do with a client's Wave account after a year of problem-free importing of their bank data. Tech told me to delete the connected bank account, but I can't b/c of payouts which appear to be impossible to delete (as you've also discovered). They also said to be sure to start importing at least a day after the most recent successful imports. I've tried this and a lot more, including setting up the exact same bank accounts, as if they were a new bank (it surprisingly allows this). It imported the data on the initial set up, but never again after that. I also tried importing the bank transactions by downloading them to a "comma-delimited- ascii file". This worked fairly well, although the dates you ask for and actually get can vary. At least with the comma-delimited/ascii files, you get to view what you're importing before asking Wave to upload it. I do need the automatic bank connection though, so my only recourse seems to be to set up a duplicate client account from scratch, at year-end (Dec. 31) and then try to restore Wave's limited backup data and start anew. Plan #2 is to switch to QBO or Xero, which I assume has better/quicker support, not being a free program.

  • APColemanAPColeman Member Posts: 15

    How do I turn payments off completely, so I can reset the bank connection?

  • APColemanAPColeman Member Posts: 15

    From my experience, deleting your bank connection is not possible if you have "Payments" set up. Please advise if there is a solution to this, short of Wave's support advising to switch "Payments" to a different bank. I assume most users, like myself, deal with one bank and have one bank login for their account(s).

  • JulianPJulianP Member Posts: 1,002 ✭✭✭

    Hey there @ken_bail3y and @APColeman !

    If you updated an existing connection with a new username and/or password our system and Plaid will receive an error preventing your new transaction imports. Our system requires that the username and password associated with an existing connection remains constant throughout the lifetime of that connection. However, there is a solution available. I broke it down the process for you below:

    As you may know, if you try to delete a bank connection on the Banking > Connected Accounts page that is used for automatic transaction imports AND payouts, you won't be able to delete it since you are required to have a payout account at all times.

    Before you can delete your bank connection, you will need to reconnect your payout account manually to break your current connection since it is connected through Plaid. To do so, please navigate to Settings -> Payouts -> Update account. In the search window, enter dummy information like "0000". Click "Use your bank transit, institution, and account number" in blue text and enter your account details. Below I attached a screenshot for reference:

    Once this is done, you can head back to the Banking > Connected Accounts page and successfully delete your bank connection. After deleting it, you can then reconnect it. :)

    Please note, when reconnecting your financial institution, please select a specific date to resume transaction imports to prevent duplicates in your account.

    I hope this helps! If you continue to have issues with your bank connection, I suggest submitting a support ticket so one of our agents can assist you directly.

    edited December 18, 2020
  • ken_bail3yken_bail3y Member Posts: 8

    I believe the problem was on the BofA side. I am still surprised though that it would take over two weeks to sync.

  • APColemanAPColeman Member Posts: 15

    That is great to know - thanks JulianP so much for passing this along!

  • mehdi_emehdi_e Member Posts: 1

    Hello! I have the same issue. Our bank is Royal Bank of Canada and has not synced since November 2nd 2020. I tried turning the connection off and on and then completely disconnected and reconnected my bank accounts. Said its importing and I should visit in a couple of minutes but after 2 days still no import! frustrated! please advise

  • JulianPJulianP Member Posts: 1,002 ✭✭✭

    Hey @mehdi_e !

    I just took a look into RBC Royal Bank and it looks like the integration is experiencing connectivity issue that is significantly delaying transactions updates. Plaid is actively working to resolve the issue as quickly as possible, although I'm unable to give an ETA on when the resolution will come.

    Once the fix is rolled out, the transactions will automatically start importing into your account again.

    In the meantime, Wave offers a few options to import and upload your transactions manually. You can learn more about these below:

    I apologize for the inconvenience here!

    edited January 12, 2021
  • mattsmmattsm Member Posts: 4

    My Fidelity Cash account has not synced in over a month. I've also deleted it and re-added with no luck.

    Can you comment on this link?

  • Micha3l_B3llMicha3l_B3ll Member Posts: 9

    RBC continues to be an issue for me too. It syncs a couple of transactions, then stops. In the meantime, I'm getting faster at the tedious work of manually uploading transactions, like it's the 90s. :/ Trying to be patient, but it's been MONTHS of this.

  • Micha3l_B3llMicha3l_B3ll Member Posts: 9

    I guess you could say I'm "getting Plaid out."

  • Micha3l_B3llMicha3l_B3ll Member Posts: 9

    "They Plaid us."

  • Micha3l_B3llMicha3l_B3ll Member Posts: 9

    Wave "Plaid unfair."

  • Micha3l_B3llMicha3l_B3ll Member Posts: 9

    I "Plaid" for as long as I could, but then got tired of it.

  • Micha3l_B3llMicha3l_B3ll Member Posts: 9

    Hang on. Just had some transaction import successfully. Will update if problem gets resolved. Finger crossed!

  • NickelCapitalNickelCapital Member Posts: 2

    Wave / Plaid cannot even connect to my Royal Bank account - let alone download transactions.... when will this be resolved! I contacted Royal Bank, they were aware of the issue but said it is in Wave / Plaid's hands to resolve.... please get it done!

  • mattsmmattsm Member Posts: 4

    They should offer a Plaid service that we can enroll in to get our transactions.

  • KristenVKristenV Member Posts: 121 admin

    Hi @mattsm

    I've taken a look at our data aggregator's Fidelity integration and it appears that they are currently experiencing some connectivity issues which also affect transaction imports. For further investigation into your particular account, please feel free to reach out to our Support team via ticket/email and we would be happy to help.
    In the meantime, Wave offers a few options to import and upload your transactions manually. You can learn more about these below:

    @Micha3l_B3ll , I see that you've reached out to our Support team already and received a response. Thanks for your patience (and clever puns) while we work to resolve this. If you have any additional questions, please reach out again.

    @NickelCapital , I see that you've also reached out to our Support team recently, regarding your RBC connection. The integration is currently still being worked on by our data aggregator and a member of our Support team will be reaching out to you to provide additional information on your account

  • mattsmmattsm Member Posts: 4

    @KristenV is it helpful to open a ticket? Or should I just wait. I understand it's being fixed?

  • NickelCapitalNickelCapital Member Posts: 2

    An update and expected date would be helpful.....

  • AlexLAlexL Member Posts: 2,869 ✭✭✭

    Hey @mattsm , it never hurts to submit a ticket although it sounds like it is indeed being worked on.

  • mattsmmattsm Member Posts: 4

    @AlexL this has not worked in a while again...

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