manual transaction entry

jillrjillr Member Posts: 1

wanting to find the fastest entry of past transactions


  • MikegMikeg Member Posts: 995 ✭✭✭

    Download transactions from your financial institution to a csv file. Use the csv file to import into Wave. You will need 3 columns. Date, Description, and amount. The amounts should be a minus for withdrawals and a positive number for deposits. If it is a credit card that you are importing then, charges are positive and payments are negative. Go to Accounting/Transactions/More and import. Select the appropriate account to import transactions to.

  • macrofitdenisemacrofitdenise Member Posts: 5

    How do you add a transaction from an account not linked to Wave? I have a handful of transactions related to my business startup that were made from my personal account. Once I had my business account, I connected that to Wave, but would like to have these startup transactions included in my expenses in Wave. Is this possible? These transactions are not related to any account I have connected to Wave.

  • MikegMikeg Member Posts: 995 ✭✭✭

    They are typically done via journal transaction. Go to Accounting/Transactions, top right More.
    You will want to debit the appropriate expenses or assets, depending on the item and credit Owner Contribution/Drawing.

  • macrofitdenisemacrofitdenise Member Posts: 5

    Thanks @Mikeg , would doing this record that I paid the personal account back from the business acct? I didn't actually do that . I just paid it from my personal credit card and paid my personal cc from my personal checking. because I didn't have a business account yet. I just wanted to include it as part of my business expense because it was a business startup expense. Can I do that?

  • MikegMikeg Member Posts: 995 ✭✭✭

    Yes, But you should record on the business though, as I described above via journal transaction.

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