Best Way to Un-Link Your Bank Account

redtopperredtopper Member Posts: 16

The Wave connection with my bank account stopped working.

  1. I tried resetting the password on my Bank account. This did not work.
  2. I tried resetting the username on my Bank account.

I now get the attached message that says, "Try entering your bank account username again. If you recently changed it, you may need to un-link your account and then re-link." See Image Below

How should I unlink and relink?

  • Do I simply delete the account and add it again as new?
  • Do I turn off then turn on the bank account?
  • Do I archive it, then add it again?

Can you please provide clarity to the process so as to create the least work in "data clean-up". I have found nothing in Help or online regarding this.

Thank you.

edited December 10, 2020 in Bank Connections


  • APColemanAPColeman Member Posts: 15

    If you're able to delete the bank account in Wave, I recommend you do that, and then start the set up anew. If you have "Payments" set up on your bank account though, it is not possible to delete the bank account(s) connected. I am having the same issue and have tried many solutions, including setting up a new bank connection with the same bank login, while leaving the old one there. It worked for the initial bank data import, but no further bank data was imported after that. I'm to the point where I may have to set the company up from scratch, using journal entries for the opening balances or somehow utilizing Wave's backup files. Or switch my banking to an online bank which has a proven track record with Wave. My last resort (I really like Wave) will be to switch from Wave to Freshbooks, Xero, or some other cloud based accounting.

  • redtopperredtopper Member Posts: 16

    Thanks @APColeman.

    To help others. I deleted the bank account from Wave. I then re-entered the account.

    On the first attempt, I received the following error message, "Too many Attempts. Your account is locked for security reasons. Reset your bank username and password, and then try again" Not sure why, this was the first attempt!

    I reset the bank username and password, again. Upon my first attempt, I received the message above. I waited 10 minutes, tried again with success. I have to assume something needed to reset on some server.

    For the Wave team, I believe Plaid is working fine. I don't have much confidence in my bank. While trying to problem solve, I wasn't able to login with my new username and password. After speaking with their support, I was told their system accepts usernames with a capital letter when creating them, but you can't use a capital when actually logging in. So if I used Apple123 for my username, I would have to use apple123 to login. Ridiculous. No notice to users about using only lowercase. It is TCF Bank.

  • APColemanAPColeman Member Posts: 15
    Some great info there @redtopper. Thanks! Today my client's Wave bank connection started working again. I tried so many things that I'm sure which one helped. Now I've got 50 or duplicate bank transactions, but I'm still happy that it's working again. And on another note, I've been testing out a few other cloud accounting apps (Sunrise, Pandle, and Zoho). Sunrise for one, also uses Plaid. I still prefer Wave though, and hope it continues to improve, even for a monthly fee.
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