Odd... I have a bill payment each month for office rent. I pay this and record it in WAVE manually- I do not have bank integration. I can see the 8 payments for this year, (April - Nov). I can also see the 8 payments in the journal transactions. But... when I look at the total payments in P&L or Cashflow... it adds up to **NINE **payments. Been hunting all around the system for the reason and can't find it. Any ideas?


  • AlexLAlexL Member Posts: 2,869 ✭✭✭

    Hey @UKGREGUK , can you send some screenshots of where you're seeing these 9 payments so we can take a further look?

  • UKGREGUKUKGREGUK Member Posts: 3

    Hi..Odd... I think the problem still exists but manifests itself differently. Never seen this before in WAVE. The first screenshot is from Bills:
    The next screenshot is from the P&L which agree with Bills:
    BUT.. the final screenshot from Journal has an EXTRA entry... 11th December

    If I delete the journal entry I lose an entry in Bills... there is always one EXTRA showing in the journal. Driving me nuts!

  • AlexLAlexL Member Posts: 2,869 ✭✭✭

    Definitely a weird one, @UKGREGUK . I think this is a bug so I;'d be happy to escalate it to the team to take a further look. Can I ask you to give all of your Bills #s? This can be done in the top right corner of the bill itself. This way your payment transactions will show up with a # associated to them so we know to which bill they're assigned. With that info we can figure out where this mysterious Dec 11 transaction is assigned to so we know which bill is the bug culprit.

    Please let me know this information when you have it and I'd be happy to escalate this to our team.

  • UKGREGUKUKGREGUK Member Posts: 3

    Hi Alex,
    I have done this but only for this current year and only the bills called Internal Recharge. I have numbered them with the month number of the bill, (e.g. December = 12)

  • JulianPJulianP Member Posts: 1,002 ✭✭✭

    Hey @UKGREGUK !

    Since you mark your bills as paid manually, whenever a bill is marked as "Paid" it will generate a corresponding bill payment transaction. If this transaction is not affiliated with any bill in Wave or is recording an unintentional bill overpayment, you can simply delete the additional transaction from your Accounting > Transactions page.

    Also, it's possible that you marked an old bill as paid on December 11th and then deleted the bill it self. If this were to occur, it will remove the bill from your Purchases > Bills page but will not remove the bill payment transaction on your Accounting > Transactions page.

    I hope this helps!

    edited January 13, 2021
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