Discrepancy among Account Balance in Transactions and Reports vs Balance in Connected Accounts

Rodrigo_SRodrigo_S Member Posts: 6

Transactions were not added to the transaction report so the balance is incorrect but the balance on the connected accounts tab is showing the proper balance.
Is this only a matter of time or something is wrong?


  • AlexLAlexL Member Posts: 2,869 ✭✭✭

    Hey @Rodrigo_S , it sounds like this may be a disconnect between your bank connection and what's importing into your Wave account. Please submit a ticket to our Support team and they can take an in-depth look at what's going on with your bank connection.

  • Rodrigo_SRodrigo_S Member Posts: 6

    Hello, thank you for your answer.
    This connection reestablished on his own. But now I'm having the same problem with a different bank connection. In this case, First, it couldn't connect so it ask me to reconnect the account, which I did, and now exactly the same thing as with the previous account is happening (meaning the balance shown under banking/connect accounts is updated but the balance shown under transaction it is not, and the transactions are missing). I'll wait a couple of days to see if it corrects itself. In case it doesn't,. please can you tell me how to send a support ticket?
    Thank you,

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