Reconciling a Partial Cash Partial Debit Card Purchase

DreamRidesDetailingDreamRidesDetailing Member Posts: 3

I purchased a piece of equipment using both Cash On Hand and the Business Debit Card. In trying to reconcile, the receipt for full price does not match the bank statement which only shows what was placed on the debit card. What is the best way to reconcile? Thanks!

edited December 29, 2020 in Accounting Technical Support


  • AlexLAlexL Member Posts: 2,869 ✭✭✭

    Hey @DreamRidesDetailing , you'll want to ensure that both of the expenses (Cash & Debit) have been recorded in your Transactions page for the appropriate amount. You'll have to edit the receipt amount transaction so that it's recorded more accurately. Then you'll be able to reconcile.

    I'd also encourage you add a note to the transaction so it's clear what it is.

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