How to transfer from/to when one payment covered two credit card payments

SMLLCSCorpSMLLCSCorp Member Posts: 11


Say I have a payment I missed in November ($100) and spent ($25) in December, making December's statement ($125). When I pay the balance, it automatically transfers to/from the $125 for December. How do I express November's paid as well? Categorizing November with transfer to/from automatically makes "Created Transfer".


  • AlexLAlexL Member Posts: 2,869 ✭✭✭

    Hey @SMLLCSCorp , how are you recording these expenses to be paid. Are you using the Bills feature? If so, you can mark $25 as paid towards your November bill and $100 paid towards your December bill. This way, the appropriate payment dates are being recorded but you're also recognizing that certain Bills for certain periods have been paid.

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