How to categorize invalid transactions

LHolandaLHolanda Member Posts: 2


I made a purchase on Amazon that categorizes as "Office Equipment", but there is a mistake made by either Amazon or my bank that duplicated the transaction. As we know, invalid transactions in a bank statement doesn't simply get erased, instead they issue a adjustment of opposite amount. My statement has 3 transactions:

(a) the real one that I'm categorizing as "Office Equipment",
(b) another one of the same amount (mistake by Amazon),
(c) the correction from amazon of the opposite amount.

How should I categorize (b) and (c)? I've seen other discussions explaining how to use "Refund for an expense" but I believe my case if a bit different because it's simply a transaction for something that was never actually happened, and I don't have a receipt for (b).


  • MikegMikeg Member Posts: 995 ✭✭✭

    B and C should be categorized the same as A. Except C would be a refund of Office Equipment. The end result does not change the total of amounts and by categorizing all of the transactions you are agreeing what transpired in the actual financial account through the accounting records.

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