
Wave Connect - start date uses end of day instead of beginning of day

justdavejustdave Member Posts: 15

When I import reports into Google Sheets using Wave Connect, it appears that the start date you pick uses the end of that day instead of the beginning of that day to calculate the balances. If I run the same report directly in the Wave website, it uses the beginning of the day.

For example: running a balances report using 01 Jan 2020 as the start date, the balances I get reflect having the transactions that occurred on Jan 1st already completed.

I had a zero balance in my Cash on Hand account at the end of Dec 31, and $600 in deposits into it on Jan 1, and the starting balance in my report with Jan 1 as the start date showed $600.

This is probably an edge case people don't run into much because January 1st is a holiday so people usually don't have transactions on that day. :-)


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