
Updates from B of A

IritIrit Member Posts: 5

I have problems with the updates from Bank of America which are 2 -3 days delayed. Does anyone have a brilliant idea on how this can be handled? I need the updates to be done at least once a day if not twice a day. Two to Three days behind makes it impossible to handle the bookkeeping and manage the finances.



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    JulianPJulianP Member Posts: 1,002 ✭✭✭

    Hey there @Irit !

    After doing some digging on the back end, it looks like Bank of America is currently experiencing issues with their Plaid integration. This issue is creating a delay in your automatic transaction imports. I'm afraid that there is no ETA available for a resolve at this time but I can assure you that Plaid is currently looking into this. Below I attached a screenshot for reference:

    If you need your transactions in Wave immediately, Wave offers a few options to import and upload your transactions manually. You can learn more about these below:

    I hope this helps and I apologize for the inconvenience.

    edited January 5, 2021
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    IritIrit Member Posts: 5

    Hey, Thank you very much for looking into it and the update. Make sense and good to see that the "big boy" is at fault.
    I will use the work around that you offered.
    Thanks again, Irit

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