"Possible Duplicates" warning is useless

motoramblermotorambler Member Posts: 53 ✭✭

I'm trying to import transactions (26 line items) but am prompted that there might be duplicate transactions due to a date overlap.

Why doesn't Wave just tell me which line items are possible duplicates instead of being vague about the whole thing and sending me on a quest?

Also, the latest current entry in Wave for the account in question is Oct 13, 2020. Here is the date range of the file giving the "possible date overlap" import error:

I still don't see which dates could be overlapping -- what am I not understanding here?

And where/how will the "flagged" entries be found?

edited January 11, 2021 in Accounting Technical Support


  • motoramblermotorambler Member Posts: 53 ✭✭

    Anyone around?

  • AlexLAlexL Member Posts: 2,869 ✭✭✭

    Hi @motorambler , so you're saying that the transactions you're importing all occurred after the last transaction which appears in your account? If that's the case, Wave could be making a mistake here.

    I would import the transactions and then keep an extra keen eye out when reconciling your accounts to see if any duplicates appear.

    Alternatively, because you only have about 26 transactions here, duplicates should be appearing as the same thing in your account. You can head over to the Transactions page and scroll through to see if you have any dupes.

    edited January 11, 2021
  • motoramblermotorambler Member Posts: 53 ✭✭

    Hi @AlexL , thanks for getting back to me.

    It's the Wave "Possible Duplicates" warning prompt that's confusing.

    As mentioned in my original post, the newest entry for the account in Wave (before importing) was Oct 13th. The oldest entry on the spreadsheet being imported is Oct 16th (see above screenshot).

    So, my question is: why did I see the "possible duplicates" warning if there are no overlapping dates?
    Also, why bother with the warning prompt if it's not going to show the "possible duplicates" before importing?

    edited January 12, 2021
  • AlexLAlexL Member Posts: 2,869 ✭✭✭

    Hey @motorambler , it sounds like this may an issue with the system. I've seen this previously if a user tries to upload a statement but then stops part way through, only trying to upload it again in the future. Even though the system never actually added any transactions the first time, it still somehow temporarily registered them in the user's Wave account which caused the error message upon the second try.

    I can't speak to exactly why the duplicates themselves aren't shown as this could be a technical limitation, but I would think a warning message would be better than nothing at all, although I definitely understand your point that showing the dupes would be even better than the warning message. This way, it's the least amount of work for the user.

    I'll pass these points on to the team so they're aware a user is reaching out about it. Thank you for bringing them up 🙂

    edited February 26, 2021
  • motoramblermotorambler Member Posts: 53 ✭✭

    @AlexL said:
    I've seen this previously if a user tries to upload a a statement but then stops part way through, only trying to upload it again in the future. Even though the system never actually added any transactions the first time, it still somehow temporarily registered them in the user's Wave account which caused the error message upon the second try.

    That is possible. Sometimes when I try to import I get an error and have to go back and clean up the .csv before trying again. Can't say if this was the case in this instance but will let you know if/when I see it again.

  • NanosmusicNanosmusic Member Posts: 1

    I was up up to date up until 18/02/2021 with reviewing and assigning all my transactions when wave ran into an error (this has happened 2 times in the past). I manually upload my transactions so I can verify 100% that I only upload the new ones needed.
    All of a sudden I have THOUSANDS of duplicates of transactions going back for YEARS!
    Thats right! THOUSANDS!
    I tried to reach out via the chat and the stupid robot would not offer any assistance whatsoever.
    I know you dont provide "support" for Australia but it is very nerve wrecking to think that this is an accounting software with such basic and dangerous BUGS.
    There was no option to report bugs to a human or support and was sent here.
    I feel sorry for your paid customers.

    edited February 23, 2021
  • motoramblermotorambler Member Posts: 53 ✭✭

    There's an easy way to avoid all that: give up on auto bank connections and pretend they don't exist in Wave, and go manual uploads for everything. Yep, it's 2021 but we're still fussing about with spreadsheets. The problem is we don't have any control over the bank updates. We have to sit around waiting for new transactions to appear in Wave to get on with bookkeeping duties. Every time I've manually entered transactions I inevitably have to go back into Wave to delete the same transactions that show up days later when Wave decides to pull transactins from my bank. Completely disconnecting from your bank and manually uploading will save you a bunch of headaches.

    If Xero was half the cost I'd switch in a heartbeat but at this point I just have to be happy with free software.

    edited February 19, 2021
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