Adding Value or Value Added

I understand most folks who are in this community are all about the numbers, the dollars & cents, after all this is WAVE! I'm not a numbers person, not even close and thats why we use WAVE and have not one, but 2 amazing people that manage numbers for my company. I would be lost without them, they are truly the best in my books.
Got me to thinking about value, value beyond the accounting definition.
What value do you add that is above and beyond the stated expectation of what you do for your clients?, or how about added value that you've recently experienced from a service provider?
@webmaxdotca Thinking back to my time juggling contract work as a pet sitter and dog walker (it sounds a bit silly but it's a lot of work!) when I was taking too many courses to look for something full time... I would do my very best to go above and beyond for clients by learning their names and the particular quirks and habits of their pets. It feels personal and ultimately leads to a better experience for everyone -- me, the client, and Rover too. That and extras like small housecleaning tasks if appropriate. In major urban centers, this business can be surprisingly competitive so it's worth figuring out how to differentiate yourself and exceed client expectations.
Given that my role now centers around building a shared space and bringing together a very large group of people, I think that a lot of added value can come from personalization and a human touch. That is to say, we have support resources elsewhere and channels through which to receive feedback, but I think there's so much value in having an additional space for conversation, brainstorming, collaboration, networking, etc. Admittedly, I'm biased.
How do you go about this in your field?
This is such a good point to raise! So many times people think "value" as only monetary or as you said "numbers". Sometimes value can be in the way you interact with people, your willingness to help, I'd even go as far to say it can even come from how you make someone feel when doing business with them.
I was moving recently and had to do one of my least favourite things: interact with a telecomm company. Little did I know that they actually had a "concierge" for this very thing. I was legitimately shocked at how easy it was, how friendly and helpful they were plus the fact that there was no fee - to me that's value in all its forms. Obviously it's better for them too because they can continue to charge me ridiculous amounts of money for my Internet and Cable) but it at least made me feel good about continuing to pay them... for now. I didn't except this kind of human touch from a massive corporation but being a small business owner, there's an opportunity to do this almost daily.
@Tyler The human touch!!
The reason I do what I do is not just for the money of course, it's to have that human connection
It's a great tjoy to see my clients learn skills that can ground their lives, and improve their wellbeing in the long term! Whty else are we in business for ourselves - WE LOVE WHAT WE DO 
Adding value is the key component of a service oriented business. I have a UVP that is very simple.. "been there and done that." There isn't much that I haven't experienced in my business career. In order to provide true value you must be there for the client and look out for their interests. You will get return business if you do.