How to make a receipt for cash transaction?

MartyMcMartyMc Member Posts: 4

Hi, I have a website design customer who paid his deposit in cash. How do I make a receipt for that? I need to send it to him.


  • JulianPJulianP Member Posts: 1,002 ✭✭✭

    Hey @MartyMc !

    What you can do is create an invoice and mark it as paid manually. Once this is done, you can send your customer a receipt for their invoice payment via the Sales > Invoices page. I attached a useful Help Center article below. Feel free to check it out.

    I hope this helps!

  • MartyMcMartyMc Member Posts: 4

    Thanks. Is there any way to do bulk receipts? I am thinking this would be easier for a rental business with my monthly rents.

  • AlexLAlexL Member Posts: 2,869 ✭✭✭

    Hey @MartyMc , if you're sending receipts to your customers for payment, you do have to manually send these individually as there's no way in the system to bulk send these.

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