Regarding holding funds

CristinaJACCristinaJAC Member Posts: 2

I was reading on line that Wave may at times hold funds. I am in a business that at times transactions can be quite large. I was really concerned reading this. Can you explain how I can avoid such a situation moving forward? I just joined and concerned about this risk? What percentage of your clients do you do this too?


  • JulianPJulianP Member Posts: 1,002 ✭✭✭

    Hey @CristinaJAC !

    Wave uses a vigorous safety and security system for online payment processing. If a payment is ever triggered by this system, our Risk team will immediately reach out to you to get this sorted out and prevent it from occur in the future. Since each scenario is unique, they will provide context to your specific case. Also, the Risk team is more than happy to answer any questions regarding a specific case so if anything like this were to occur, they will gladly assist you further. I hope this helps.

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