Help Center Discussion

For discussion & feedback regarding Wave's Help Center.

Discussion List

  • The Wave Community will go offline on June 30, 2022. We’d like to thank everyone who participated over the past 5 years with your questions, responses, and feedback. As of June 3, we’ve closed the community to new posts and discussions. FAQ How can I get help from Wave moving forward? Use the help button in the bottom right corner of your acco…
    JamieD Announcement 448 views 0 comments Started by JamieD June 3, 2022 3:40PM
  • All about automatically categorizing transactionsOops! Looks like this content is meant for a different version of our accounting application. Head back to the Help Centre home page to search another topic or check out the related articles on the... Read the full story here
    System 16.1K views 185 comments Most recent by amb_sloc_consulting June 2, 2022 10:49PM
  • Dear Sir, I just apply few days before sign up account with wave and verified my account to get started. I already have get paid from client without any problem. 2th is our first payout days but 1th end of days wave team locked my account without any reason explained it. All Of Our Co-workers Are File Up with Us. I sent email last from now 6ti…
    WPCDA 4 views 0 comments Started by WPCDA June 2, 2022 5:33PM
  • My bank account is clearly connected because the dashboard has the correct balance. however, when I go to look at the Transactions in the Accounting folder, the transactions have not been updated since May 12! And the amount from the dropdown at the top of the screen under All Accounts has the May 12th balance! Why aren't my transactions up…
    AccountingBaby 87 views 0 comments Started by AccountingBaby June 1, 2022 10:25AM
    When entering an income transaction under accounting-transactions I have added a customer to the transaction. However, this transaction doesn't appear to show if I go into that customer and pull up activity. The only thing that comes up is invoices. Why do I not see ALL activity connected to that customer ie invoices as well as income transactions…
    CSC 24 views 3 comments Most recent by Boybutante May 30, 2022 4:23PM
  • Sales tax of 7% on $150 is 10.50 Wave calculates it at 10.33 this program is not usable.
    flamingoSWFL 14 views 2 comments Most recent by flamingoSWFL May 24, 2022 3:03PM
  • Been getting this error ever since i joined the app.
    violinchimpanzeenest 15 views 0 comments Started by violinchimpanzeenest May 17, 2022 3:52PM
  • How do I troubleshoot my bank connection?Oh no, it's a redirect message! This article applies to a different kind of bank connection. Read more about bank connections. Bank connections are a great way to get data into Wave. Those buildi... Read the full story here
    System 18.6K views 350 comments Most recent by violinchimpanzeenest May 17, 2022 3:52PM
  • Hello, I sold some shares held by my corporation and made $2000 in capital gains. How do I show this on my income statement and that since I am in Canada, the CRA will only tax 50% of those $2000 in gains. I believe the GIFI 8211 is used to capture the capital gains.
    Ray777 3 views 0 comments Started by Ray777 May 15, 2022 6:55PM
  • Hi, I am trying to connect my wave bank account (routing/account) info to my PayPal account. Is that possible? Is my wave sign in info the same as community federal savings log in? Will paypal accept the routing/account info I add?
    Paul83 16 views 0 comments Started by Paul83 May 5, 2022 10:07PM
  • User permissionsWave account owners can invite trusted individuals to collaborate on their account as a Viewer, Editor, or Payroll Administrator. As a guest user of a Wave business, you may see that the navigation... Read the full story here
    System 35.7K views 172 comments Most recent by quest May 4, 2022 6:55PM
  • How to split a transactionIf you made one lump sum payment for a number of items that belong in different categories, or if a customer paid you a single check to cover several invoices, you'll need to split the transaction ... Read the full story here
    System 13K views 124 comments Most recent by wyberto May 4, 2022 4:36PM
  • How do I pass credit card fees onto my customer?According to Visa, MasterCard and American Express merchant rules, merchants generally cannot charge a service fee when customers use their credit card. However, Visa, MasterCard, and American Expr... Read the full story here
    System 35.1K views 100 comments Most recent by jbwhong May 4, 2022 12:54AM
  • I'm trying to figure out how to pass on the CC processing fees to my client. IE: lets say I have an invoice for $100. The processing fees are 2.9% + .60 = $3.50 If the work done ( original invoice ) is $100, I add a line item for the fees ( $3.50 ) this becomes 103.50 WAVE then takes their 2.9 + .60 off of the 103.50 instead of the $100. Thus it …
    Anson578 141 views 1 comment Most recent by boberonicus May 3, 2022 3:12AM
  • How to account for reimbursementsYou’re busy, and maybe you have some extra hands helping you out. How do you record reimbursements in Wave if someone else makes a purchase for your business? Follow the process below and you’ll be... Read the full story here
    System 15.3K views 47 comments Most recent by EQuinn April 30, 2022 5:41AM
  • Protect yourself with a payments Terms of ServiceAccepting payments online reduces the work for you and your customer, and can get you paid faster. This guide teaches you how to write a terms of service that works for your business. It also shows... Read the full story here
    System 35.3K views 52 comments Most recent by creativegrowth April 29, 2022 12:09PM
  • So frustrated with wave. They told me I was set up to do payments through them did a few then a third one. a large sum. Was put on hold. No customer service number. They asked for information I’m not even required to have as a contractor in maine. It’s poor service and poor business would not recommend using wave. Has any one else had this is…
    Ealbee 32 views 2 comments Most recent by Ealbee April 28, 2022 12:06PM
  • I entered a bunch of transactions on my iPhone yesterday and after about 30 transactions it stopped uploading the receipts, both from Photo Library or taking a photo. I then tried again later and it let me upload one and then it didn't work again. Today it hasn't worked at all. I also tried reducing the file size and it still won't upload. I am m…
    Frauke 154 views 1 comment Most recent by SelfSameTree April 27, 2022 6:48PM
  • How to show a discount on an invoiceCreating a discount on your Wave invoice is as simple as adding another product line item with a negative price.  Just remember, if you charge tax, to apply tax to the Discount item too! Here's how... Read the full story here
    System 30K views 105 comments Most recent by Project_Guru April 26, 2022 10:05PM
  • When I try and create an invoice it gets stuck and wont let me see it or approve it please help any ideas? I'm not sure how to post a screenshot
    Tasha 21 views 3 comments Most recent by janonuya April 22, 2022 5:00PM
  • Each time I try to connect to Penfed Credit Union ( I get a message that says, "Couldn't connect to your institution. Try again later. What can I do? Why is this bank listed if you can't connect to it?
    Lorawawa 18 views 0 comments Started by Lorawawa April 20, 2022 5:41PM
  • Why is Credit One Bank listed as a institution you can connect to but when I try I get an error message that says can't connect to this institution. I tried twice. On the third attempt I got a message saying too many attempts, your account is now locked, reset your username and password with the institution. I reset my password but I can't change …
    Lorawawa 1 view 0 comments Started by Lorawawa April 20, 2022 5:39PM
  • Hello, when you export your reports as CSV, it tells you that they are cash or accrual. But when you export as PDF, it doesn't tell you Cash or Accrual. Why?
    syfinocchiaro 7 views 0 comments Started by syfinocchiaro April 13, 2022 10:03AM
  • A client of mine overpayed me by a small amount in December. I split that payment between the invoice they were paying me for, and a "Customer Credit Balance" account under my liabilities. I realize the easiest thing would have been to just count that towards the next invoice, but instead I gave them a discount equal to the amount on th…
    Sam1234 14 views 0 comments Started by Sam1234 April 12, 2022 7:52PM
  • My wave dashboard no longer seems to be attached to my bank account. When I logged into wave today where my bank account would usually show up is a message that says "Connect your bank account or credit card Automate your bookkeeping by importing transactions automatically.". My bank account connection seems have disappeared or removed …
    Daren 48 views 2 comments Most recent by TimDeegan April 11, 2022 1:37PM
  • I’m unable to connect to wave payments due to the new business platform having an incorrect url for BECU. Anyone find a workaround for this? Business launch is held up due to this essential service being offline
    Declutterpnw 22 views 4 comments Most recent by jrkershn April 11, 2022 12:47AM
  • This should be easy but I can't find answer, so maybe it's not important, ha. First year having done taxes for our LLC. Simply paid HRBlock advisor to file. Which account does this best fit? "Accounting Fees", "Professional Fees", or create a new one for "Licenses and Taxes"(rather not since we have our other 'regis…
    Chetnet 14 views 0 comments Started by Chetnet April 10, 2022 3:45PM
  • I recently connected my business credit card account in wave. My credit card account has two credit card users with different credit card numbers. Only one of the users transactions are getting imported into Wave. The other's transactions do not get imported into Wave. Wave does, however, capture the credit card balance of the entire account (…
    rpayne 15 views 0 comments Started by rpayne April 8, 2022 11:41AM
  • I've received an email saying that my TD Bank connection is not working. So I reconnected the account yesterday and it seemed to work. However, I've received the same email again and the connection isn't working again. I didn't make any changes, it just stopped working. Is there an ongoing issue with TD Bank?
    scrummastered 51 views 7 comments Most recent by Signgirl April 5, 2022 5:01PM
  • Hi, it's been about a year since I logged into my account, but I've decided to give Wave another try. I connected my bank accounts and had the transactions import automatically, but now all the transactions that were in my account before have been duplicated (up to March 2021) and no new ones have been added. And nothing new seems to be loading. W…
    nsettles 13 views 0 comments Started by nsettles April 4, 2022 3:31PM
  • Taxes: Recoverable vs. Non-RecoverableYou most likely collect sales taxes from your customers and then remit the money you collected to the government tax authorities.  You also very likely pay taxes on items you buy for your business ... Read the full story here
    System 72.7K views 73 comments Most recent by BennyLaw April 3, 2022 3:18AM