
P&L Detail reports - with actual detail

sbright527sbright527 Member Posts: 7

Hello! Just sending a renewed plea (begging, hoping, pining) for the ability to generate a full P&L detail that actually shows detail. So one that includes the individual line items (income or expense) that comprise an account's total. It's tax time, and I desperately want to print a full report of 2020 income and expense detail to hand to my tax folks. Instead, I will have to go through your currently "undetailed" detail report, click each account one at a time, and copy/paste the detail into Excel. Takes about 3 hours. With QB it takes about 10 seconds. Please, please, please. This is a feature I would gladly pay for. Tried to attach a sample as a visual aid. Can't tell if it attached or not. Thank you for your time!


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    KimptonKimpton Member Posts: 78 ✭✭

    So this is not exactly what you're asking for but it will be very much appreciated by your 'tax folks'.
    Create the Account Transactions - General Ledger report and export it out to a csv file. It's all there! Too much for most folks but perfect for the tax types.

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    sbright527sbright527 Member Posts: 7

    I'll give it a try -- thank you for the response!

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