Accounting Feature Ideas


Discussion List

  • This has been discussed elsewhere, but it was about 2 years ago. I run a service based business where my income comes from projects which I have to pay sub-contractors to perform. I would die for a way to associate a bill (in this case it's really COGS) with a customer, and then also have the ability to run a profitability report on that customer …
    adamduro 168 views 0 comments Started by adamduro June 3, 2022 4:59AM
  • Hi everyone, I'm relatively new to Wave, and to being an entrepreneur in general. I have Wave connected to my business bank account, and I'm trying to figure out how to categorize the money in Wave that I have reserved for quarterly tax payments. So for example, if I receive a payment for $1000 for services rendered, as an single member LLC, I'm s…
    wmuench 1.8K views 13 comments Most recent by adamduro June 3, 2022 4:53AM
  • Hi Wave Team, It would be extremely helpful to have a quick filter by Financial Year for Transactions or Reports. The Australian financial year ends on June 30th Currently changing the settings to this date, makes no difference to filtering date options under Transactions and Reports
    LittleBiz 37 views 3 comments Most recent by DanEVs June 1, 2022 11:23PM
  • There should be a way to import a Chart of Accounts via csv or Excel. Already researched and saw this is not available. Could save an extreme amount of time to be able to develop a COA in a spreadsheet and then import it.
    jmiller_meaewellness 529 views 7 comments Most recent by designal May 31, 2022 8:32PM
  • Hello! I was wondering if the use of "tags" to track certain projects or customer transactions within Wave has ever been discussed or considered. Short of (i) going with a full-blown Class or Project Tracking system (similar to what QB uses); or (ii) having the ability to assign accounts other than Income to bills and invoices (assign …
    PBrooksMac 8.2K views 258 comments Most recent by txbizpro May 30, 2022 9:22PM
  • Hi there how do i view the dash board for the previous year
    Minesh 122 views 7 comments Most recent by tyhoppy May 19, 2022 3:56PM
  • Wave needs a way to bulk edit the vendors for multiple transactions. Currently, you need to open every transaction and change every vendor individually. There really is no excuse for not having this. Also, Wave should learn and autofill the vendor for future transactions like it does with the categories.
    MAGAman 543 views 22 comments Most recent by williamsww May 13, 2022 4:29PM
  • Currently none of my expenses or sales automatically include tax. I have to manually edit each entry (or batch edit) to include the GST. Please provide a way to automatically include GST on all expenses and sales!
    cchan 5 views 0 comments Started by cchan May 5, 2022 10:10PM
  • The expense reports are really unhelpful when it excludes taxes. I'm a Canadian and I need to report my expenses including GST, but currently in Wave the reports always exclude my tax in the total reports. Please provide a way to toggle between seeing net expenses and gross expenses.
    cchan 2 views 0 comments Started by cchan May 5, 2022 10:07PM
  • Has the feature to auto-fill descriptions previously entered been added to Wave?
    LivingTheDream 5 views 0 comments Started by LivingTheDream May 4, 2022 1:42AM
  • It would be nice to have a report that would provide a total amount for recurring invoices. Further, the ability to report on Annual recurring invoices and Monthly recurring invoices separately would be nice. Also, the ability to report on Total recurring invoices that tabulate both Annual recurring invoices and Monthly recurring invoices X 12 s…
    skeggsjp 15 views 0 comments Started by skeggsjp April 29, 2022 2:03PM
  • We use the INVOICES and BILLS features of Wave. Many of the payments for our INVOICES come in around the same time and therefore are deposited at the same time into our bank account. If we Record a payment for the INVOICES from the Invoices page it will create a record on the transactions - but so will the automatically pulled transaction from t…
    GrantWHall 184 views 8 comments Most recent by GenelleM180 April 22, 2022 7:06PM
  • It would be very helpful to be able to configure a calculated late fee for invoices past our defined terms. i.e. a customer has 30 day net terms, a late fee would be added at the pre-determined percentage when an invoice has aged past the due date. I have seen some requests for this already that date back several years. This is a common account…
    ITSERVICSINC 12 views 0 comments Started by ITSERVICSINC April 21, 2022 4:52PM
  • Brand new here ... just now made an account and forums login. Searched the forums and didn't spot an answer so .... question) Can or does Wave support export to a file format that Turbo Tax can then import? Just curious ... I don't mind entering annual summaries by hand, but thought I'd ask?
    GlacierBoatsOfAlaska 2.8K views 8 comments Most recent by Mikeg April 21, 2022 1:31AM
  • It would be great if we could export selected transactions.
    John_Mac 31 views 3 comments Most recent by samanthaqqq April 17, 2022 12:21AM
  • I was shocked to learn that I couldn't upload a document (aka a receipt) to attach to a journal entry. Why is this different from an expense transaction? An expense transaction can be recorded as a journal entry, there's no difference from an accounting standpoint. For example, an expense report is easiest to do as a journal entry (DR various exp…
    dofzin 17 views 0 comments Started by dofzin April 16, 2022 6:21PM
  • I know the system is built around an accrual basis, but it would be nice if somewhere in the settings you could default report types to Cash Basis OR Accrual. It's easy to change the settings within the cash flow and P&L reports, but doing this could also translate over to the dashboard features too. Right now, the dashboard is only a rough …
    planner84 14 views 2 comments Most recent by syfinocchiaro April 13, 2022 9:58AM
  • Good day, we use a Bill as Purchase Orders to our Suppliers. I need to download and print these Bills. Please advise how it can be done. Thank you. Hichson
    hichson 1.7K views 31 comments Most recent by homestayventures April 1, 2022 12:55AM
  • Hi Its very nice application i am using for invoice and estimates but without out accounting of Inventory very hard to Automate business on it. I am wondering if it is coming future or not ? and whey?
    infotechnab 4.4K views 16 comments Most recent by cjmcqueen March 21, 2022 3:17PM
  • Hi There is a mismatch on my balance sheet, what can be the reason for it? Total assets = 354,315.39 and Equity + Liabillity is 414,689.12 - 60,491.03 = 354,198.09 So it is showing 117.30 difference Is there a way to check why is that?
    Lasmanis 52 views 2 comments Most recent by Lasmanis March 18, 2022 2:39PM
  • Is there a way to make a new sales tax % as a default? We moved locations and the new City tax rate is different for what we need to charge customers. When I create an invoice it comes up with the previous tax rate and I have to manually click the down arrow to get the newly named current tax rate. We were at a 8.25% and now it is a 6.75% rate - w…
    Sevorg 12 views 0 comments Started by Sevorg March 17, 2022 9:45PM
  • In my country, we use the official foreign exchange rate to register transactions and value account balances. Is there any possibility to input these rates instead of the ones WAVE applies?
    Edgar 13 views 4 comments Most recent by Gareth_Owen March 16, 2022 10:23PM
  • I would like to request a new feature be considered. Time tracking. I've read the post where time tracking was discussed on Feb 28th but wanted to know if its on your road map and when you expect to have it launched. Thanks for all the great work you do.
    intellitech 14.4K views 124 comments Most recent by Shark70 March 11, 2022 3:47AM
  • It would be great if we could add a split percentage for an expense category in the charts of accounts for things like vehicule, apartment rent, etc. For example, 30% of my vehicule expenses are for business. I could just add that percentage to the expense in the chart of accounts. So when the total amount shows in the transactions, the split is …
    WillR 48 views 2 comments Most recent by adamcdavies February 21, 2022 11:16PM
  • There is a similar post where several users have asked for a feature to be able to lock a year once it's been closed off. Would it be possible instead to add a configurable date (changeable in settings), before which no transaction may be added, deleted, or modified? The idea is to prevent accidental modifications which break previous periods rep…
    mvanr 141 views 4 comments Most recent by QuickQuantum_1 February 16, 2022 3:09PM
  • It'd be nice to allow using HTML in invoice fields, such as Footer and Memo/Notes. This would allow for formatting text nicely (like making certain things bold, italic, etc.), or formatting things in a more advanced way, like using DIVs and inline CSS to output the Notes/Memo field in multiple columns, etc.
    PackWeb 653 views 22 comments Most recent by MarkAbrams February 12, 2022 3:20PM
  • Is there a feature where I can track 1099 form info and print 1099s at year end?
    BonL 31 views 2 comments Most recent by andyfarmer February 8, 2022 1:13AM
  • It is in my opinion much too complicated to add a vendor to a transaction, I would like to see it as a drop-down in the transaction feed without having to open the transaction up.
    equationshawaii 12 views 0 comments Started by equationshawaii January 31, 2022 7:42PM
  • Splitting transactions in the new Wave interface has become very difficult- I am unable to individually label each transaction within a split, nor am I able to include both an income and an expense. Both of these features were available in the previous version of Wave, and they are vital to my bookkeeping process. Will they be made available in th…
    kellyeliz07 403 views 12 comments Most recent by Aaron_E January 30, 2022 1:41PM
  • I can't see an option to design custom reports. Is it possible? Maybe, there's an add-on??
    AnthonyMA 1.2K views 15 comments Most recent by MYOB January 26, 2022 5:10AM