
Data download - customers & invoicing

Robertmca123Robertmca123 Member Posts: 5
Hi guys, we are currently trying to download our customer & invoicing data etc to transfer to a new invoicing plat form, I’ve connected wave to the google documents and when I start to down load my customers (almost 3000) it gets to around 2400 then stops and doesn’t transfer the information. Can anyone help I at wits end trying to get this done for the last two days.


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    AlexLAlexL Member Posts: 2,869 ✭✭✭

    Hey @Robertmca123 , can you explain what happens when it reaches 2400 customers? Does the page time out or does it look like it just keeps functioning without anything happening?

    Also, what browser are you using to run Wave Connect? Let me know.

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    Robertmca123Robertmca123 Member Posts: 5
    Hi @AlexL yes when it reaches 2200 to 2400 customers it times out. The browser I’m using is google chrome. Can you help please ? Much appreciated
    edited January 26, 2021
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    AlexLAlexL Member Posts: 2,869 ✭✭✭

    @Robertmca123 , I'm wondering if there's too much data being pulled and Google Sheets is just timing out because of it. Can you let me know which fields you're pulling when downloading your customers? Are you choosing all of them (there should be about ~19). If not, let me know when ones specifically you're using.

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    Robertmca123Robertmca123 Member Posts: 5
    Hi Alex yes I’ve tried pulling all info. Though I’ve slid tried taking the basic info ie customer name, address, telephone number and it still ends up timing out. I’m using google chrome. I can’t figure it out. I’m really struggling ..any help greatly appreciated regards Robert
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    AlexLAlexL Member Posts: 2,869 ✭✭✭

    Hey @Robertmca123 , I can have our team look into this although I can't guarantee a timeframe on a fix. In the meantime, can you export your customer data via the Data Export located in Wave? To do so, navigate to Settings > Data Export and export "all transactions" via excel or .csv. One of the files in the data export will contain all of your customer information and should be exactly what you need.

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