Account Settings Technical Support


Discussion List

  • The Wave Community will go offline on June 30, 2022. We’d like to thank everyone who participated over the past 5 years with your questions, responses, and feedback. As of June 3, we’ve closed the community to new posts and discussions. FAQ How can I get help from Wave moving forward? Use the help button in the bottom right corner of your acco…
    JamieD Announcement 1.5K views 0 comments Started by JamieD June 3, 2022 3:51PM
  • For tailored support, check out our chatbot, Mave, in your Wave account. You’ll first need to log in to your Wave account or sign up. Once you’re logged in, you’ll see Mave in the bottom right corner. Mave is the fastest way to get answers about using Wave 24/7. Our Support Team is available through Mave Monday to Friday from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Eas…
    AlexL Announcement Closed 1 view 0 comments Started by AlexL April 12, 2021 2:11PM
  • My bank transactions have not updated for over a month now making the use of Wave nearly moot. I've tried using the chatbot to no avail. As far as I understand it I should have access to live chat since I use Wave Payments - but have constantly been told by the bot that, "Support from a human agent is included for customers using Wave Payment…
    RockCenter 158 views 2 comments Most recent by RockCenter June 1, 2022 3:28PM
  • xvnxvn
    the auto categorization feature is creating more work for me than it is eliminating. How do I disable this feature?
    xvn 4.6K views 24 comments Most recent by olingerrentals May 16, 2022 3:27PM
  • Do you have a french version of your application?
    cdesbiens 3.1K views 30 comments Most recent by alexgauvin May 15, 2022 3:17PM
    Hi all Newbie here with little account knowledge. I wanted to record a purchase of new vehicle and wanted to know how should I record this hypothetical scenario below Purchase of vehicle $100,000 Bank Loan - $50,000 Bank Interest - $10,000 Loan term - 60 months Repayment - $1000 monthly Based on this post, I think i worked out * Create an asse…
    JNL 195 views 0 comments Started by JNL May 7, 2022 8:06AM
  • Hi there, I am in the process of moving my business from Google G-Suite to Microsoft Small Business and would like to remove the sign in with Google and replace my login with a username and password.. Can you please let me know how to do this. Regards Dave
    Demado 22 views 3 comments Most recent by Demado April 19, 2022 9:01AM
  • I just noticed that my business reports are being generated with my old business logo, which I removed from my invoices a long time ago. How can I get rid of it?
    Rachel_May 12 views 0 comments Started by Rachel_May April 9, 2022 10:28PM
  • Hi, I recently got an MBNA Canada MasterCard, and want to add it to my account, however it is not present in the list of selected banking institutions on wave apps. Please advise on how I can connect this card?
    Aerodroemme 1 view 0 comments Started by Aerodroemme March 20, 2022 2:20AM
  • I'm getting an error when trying to archive a business. Before you can archive this business, you must take the following actions. Disconnect your Payments account When you’re finished, reload this page to continue archiving this business. There's no option to disconnect my payment account. I need to do this as the new account owner taking over …
    carlymal 73 views 0 comments Started by carlymal March 15, 2022 5:21PM
  • I would like to know how to change the business name
    kathynew_1 1.2K views 3 comments Most recent by Jeiky12 February 15, 2022 2:49PM
  • In the Accounting>Transactions view, categories are visible. But I see no place there to export that data. In the Reports>Account Transactions view, the categories are not visible, but I can export data. The resulting CSV has no categories listed. I can't find a page that will export data that shows categories along with my transactions. …
    numbersscareme 61 views 2 comments Most recent by ugzruben February 5, 2022 5:35PM
  • Hi, i am unable to log in to my account anymore. My username is which was set up a few years ago. The domain ( has since expired but i have never changed the username. I cannot do a password reset because i cannot access emails to an expired domain.Please help!
    olud 51 views 0 comments Started by olud February 3, 2022 12:33PM
  • As shown in the attached images, when I clicked on "add vendor" for a transaction today, I got an error message. I am not sure what has gone wrong.
    TDuvall 71 views 2 comments Most recent by JunipG February 1, 2022 10:27PM
  • Hi - I had two payments from clients about a week ago and went to check the status today. the payment was successful but I have not been paid. It appears that my payouts are disabled? This is my first time using wave. I was never alerted from anyone about this. How can I go about getting these payments processed and paid out? thank you
    Kfischer 21 views 0 comments Started by Kfischer January 30, 2022 5:29PM
  • xvnxvn
    This announcement in the news letter email I received today: Coming soon: Automatic categorization of transactionsYou want Wave to automate repetitive tasks, but you also want control over your bookkeeping. We hear you!We’re planning to roll out a new feature that will notify you about automatically categorized transactions so you can review them…
    xvn 36 views 0 comments Started by xvn January 27, 2022 8:20PM
  • Hi I am unable to verify my email as I dont get the verification email. Email address is correct. Spam is empty. Email provider says the issue is not from their side. Thanks in advance
    Catering 32 views 0 comments Started by Catering January 21, 2022 10:54AM
  • Hi, first, is there 2 step verification? Also, if not, how can I change my email address to use Google which does have 2 step? With banking info on the site, I want to protect my information
    mem23 21 views 0 comments Started by mem23 January 17, 2022 5:36PM
  • Hi! My client just added me as an editor. I have several accounts already with Wave and am quite familiar with it. Somehow, when they added me, I can only see the word "accounting" and there is no drop down menu next to it. They set it up as a personal. If they re-set it up as a business would that fix it or where is the disconnect.…
    SService 21 views 0 comments Started by SService January 12, 2022 4:15AM
  • Hi, I've been trying to connect my RBC business account to Wave and I get to the point where Wave asks me to "log into your bank account and update your account. Then, return to Plaid to continue" I can't figure out what exactly I need to update. Has anyone else had this problem? Thanks so much, Monica
    Monica001 136 views 2 comments Most recent by Rationalclean January 5, 2022 3:52AM
  • Hi everyone, Really wanting to know if there is a way to set the timezone for the account in Wave? Currently, when allocating a payment made on an invoice, it set's the time and date according to a USA timezone ( I believe) which often sets the payment as a day behind. My Profile has my location down as Australia, but this does not affect the tim…
    Matt_Australia 52 views 2 comments Most recent by AMStudio December 16, 2021 3:53AM
  • I have my ally bank account connected to wave invoicing, and I can see the three accounts that I actually have open--a checking account and two savings accounts--but there is another account listed that's described as a "business checking" account, something Ally bank doesn't even offer. I don't recognize the three digits shown at the en…
    eiuratus 22 views 0 comments Started by eiuratus December 8, 2021 7:06PM
  • Anyone Help ? Somehow my email has been deactivated and now I don't receive the verification email. Kindly help my email id is *******@*****************.***
    Ameem 101 views 4 comments Most recent by Shadeki November 30, 2021 5:04AM
  • In the Transactions display, it shows just around the most recent 30 transactions. I need to show ALL the transactions (goes back 3 years). I don't want to click the "Load More" button 50 times (!!!) to display them. How can I easily show ALL the transactions? Thanks
    HareKrishna108 12 views 0 comments Started by HareKrishna108 November 25, 2021 3:58PM
  • Hello, I've been a Wave user since 2015. However, I haven't fully utilized the accounting features until now. I would love to know how I can "zero" or hide the accounts that I'm no longer using so that it shows me my correct "All Accounts" $$ amount. I'm currently only using the Lexy & Randy Checking, PayPal 2021, Checkin…
    lexykristine 1 view 1 comment Most recent by Mikeg November 17, 2021 11:03PM
  • I noticed that unless I manually "sign out", I remained logged in at Wave even after I close the tab or browser and reopen ... isn't this a security issue ? Shouldn't I be logged off after a period without activity or if I close the browser or tab etc ??
    Soledancer 281 views 2 comments Most recent by CharlotteDD November 2, 2021 6:38PM
  • Hi, I have two businesses and a personal Wave account, but while both of my initial businesses have a Nigerian address as I set, the other one is automatically set to US. When I try to change it, it shows me this error message. It's confusing for clients when I state one address but have a different one on my invoice and the Mave chatbot isn'…
    Afoma 1 view 0 comments Started by Afoma October 26, 2021 9:27AM
  • I'm attempting to connect with US Bank and can't seem to get it to work. After I put in my credentials I get a note from Plaid that says "action required with your account" (see screenshot). I hit continue, go to US Bank and log in successfully, then return but nothing happens. I have been able to successfully connect my US Bank account …
    cluckbucket 102 views 6 comments Most recent by sidlinellc October 20, 2021 5:45PM
  • Transactions stopped populating in the "reconciliations" page 6 weeks ago, they show fine in the "transactions" page. Its also showing our bank connection is turned off - even though we can see new transactions each day in "transactions". We cannot turn it back on because it says incorrect bank username. the usernam…
    smck011 55 views 0 comments Started by smck011 October 19, 2021 12:09PM
  • I can't connect to US Bank. The error I get is Action required with your account, Log in to your bank and update your account. Then, return to Plaid to continue. I log into my account, but there is nowhere to allow access. Any ideas would be most appreciated. Thanks
    Walt 81 views 1 comment Most recent by Walt October 18, 2021 7:27PM
  • In trying to connect my Vancity account for the first time today I am not receiving the security code by text, which is likely coming from Vancity directly. Are there known issues connecting Vancity accounts at the moment? Looks like a previous comment refers to a similar issue.
    cmthoreau 32 views 0 comments Started by cmthoreau October 17, 2021 11:49PM
  • It seems only password authentication is available for account access. How do I secure my wave account with multi-factor or 2-factor authentication to protect my banking info?
    bizguy 321 views 4 comments Most recent by Trudi October 15, 2021 8:35PM