Wave Connect issue with migrating invoices!

Robin59Robin59 Member Posts: 6

After much frustration and fumbling, I’ve now managed to download everything except my invoices to Google sheets using the Wave Connect!

But, for some unknown reason the invoices won’t download, I think there’s 907 at the beginning.

It starts to download the invoices as the numbers clearly show, but when it it gets to 824 then the running number disappears and just the 3 blue boxes rotate and stay like that for hours!

I eventually managed to save all the other areas listed to Google Sheets, and then save as a csv in my documents folder, which for someone who sits behind a steering wheel for 350 miles a day and not a computer, was an education, but I got there!

However, I can't get the invoices downloaded, and I haven't uploaded the other files/sheets to Zoho that I've saved so far yet in case everything has to be done together, as I don't want to lose my current and historic invoice history.

Please advise.


  • Robin59Robin59 Member Posts: 6

    Well there's no support here!!

  • HameedHameed Member Posts: 2

    I am having the same issues too when trying to dowload invoices with date lines it just hangs for ages

  • Robin59Robin59 Member Posts: 6

    The only response I've had from ZOHO is a cut & paste of their instructions, so they've not really read the contents of my email, thus they only tell me to do what I've already done, which isn't working, all very disappointing really!

    I'm now resigned to having to leave WAVE due to them not supporting the UK anymore, and looking for another invoice software/platform as the experience with ZOHO support, is not very good.

    I'm now concerned I won't have any access to all my invoice history once WAVE closes the door on the UK!

    Shame as it was a decent software, which I would have been happy to pay for, but.........

  • AlexLAlexL Member Posts: 2,869 ✭✭✭

    Hey @Robin59 , just to confirm, we have no plans at the moment to limit or restrict your access to your Wave account. We've ended new user sign ups but for pre-existing users who already have a Wave account, we have no plans to shut the doors so that you can't access your account anymore.

    Next, I applaud your ability to learn how to use it so quickly! I understand that these aren't under the circumstances that you'd want to learn this type of thing, but as you said, you did it anyways! In regards to your issue with Wave Connect, can you send me a screenshot of what you're experiencing on your end? This will help us determine what the issue is.

    edited January 28, 2021
  • Robin59Robin59 Member Posts: 6
    Hi Alex,

    Thank you for your reply.

    As per the third paragraph in my op, I’ve done exactly as instructed, and the invoices start to download, but like tonight again when I tried, it gives me a figure of 929 invoices then starts to download them, it got to 791 tonight then the running number disappeared and just the 3 blue boxes were rotating giving the impression it’s still downloading, these then stop and that’s it, I’ve left it for hours and nothing!

    Not sure how to post an image on here?

  • JulianPJulianP Member Posts: 1,002 ✭✭✭

    Hey @Robin59 !

    Thanks for following-up. This sounds like it might be a browser issue. Before we look into this further, do you mind trying some browser troubleshooting steps on your end to see if this helps resolve your issue? We have a great guide you can check out here.

    Regarding the screenshot, you can drag and drop the image directly into the comment box. Alternatively, you can press the insert image button and select a file to attach.

    I hope this helps!

    edited February 2, 2021
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