Cash Flow Report Missing MANY Transactions / Categories

I printed off my annual Cash Flow Report to make preparations for submitting my small business information to my tax professional. However, many categories are simply not represented in the report. Indeed, the Cash Flow Report does not, at all, reconcile with the transactions page for the year. From a cursory glance, it looks like none of the payments/charges on my business credit card (all appropriately assigned to a category/line item) have crossed from the Transactions Page. Help! It is going to be a grueling task, indeed, to print off ever single category and manually total them up.
Hi @GeoffB !
Sorry to hear you're seeing discrepancies between your Cash Flow Report and Transactions for 2020. I see you've sent in an email to our Support Team for more assistance on this. You'll be hearing from them very soon, so please keep an eye on your emails!