Adding a default sales tax to all purchases

Hi everyone. Is there a way to set all purchases to have a default sales tax. Most things are taxed in Ontario, so it would be simpler if the transactions prepopulated with the sales tax, and then i could remove the rare items that dont have tax, as opposed to having to go into every transaction and add a tax.....thanks!
Yup, this would be a welcome feature.
Hi @WillowLakeCampground !
At the moment we don't have a feature that will pre-populate expense transactions with a default sales tax, but I appreciate you reaching out and letting us know that this would be helpful for you, and why. As such, I've moved this post to the Accounting Feature Ideas forum, so that our Developers will be able to see your idea, and view the support for it from our users.
Feel free to let us know more about how this feature would be useful for you!