
Categorizing an expense as other short-term assets

KNgKNg Member Posts: 1

I am trying to record a payment which consists of two parts: utility charges and utility deposit. So I click on "Add expense" and write the description, enter the total amount, etc. And then I click "Split this withdrawal", choose the right category, and enter the amount for the utility charges. The problem comes when I try to record the amount for the utility deposit: the right category isn't showing in the drop-down menu (I put "Utility Deposit" under "Other Short-Term Asset", which is absent from the drop-down menu). Does anyone know how this can be solved or if there is a workaround? Any help would be greatly appreciated.



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    NancyCNancyC Member Posts: 148 admin

    hey @KNg, as the Utility Deposit account was created under Other Short-Term Asset on Chart of Accounts (which is an asset), you won't be able to select an asset category on an expense transaction. I recommend creating a journal transaction to allocate funds into different accounts for this transaction.

    edited February 5, 2021
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