Duplicate transactions for 2020

fidofido Member Posts: 16
Sometime within the last couple of weeks, Wave has duplicated all my transactions allocated to invoices for 2020. After a crap year, the last thing I need now is to spend hours manually fixing up a year's worth of data. And if I did, there's the concern it will happen again if there's a bug.
PLEASE sort this out for me as I urgently need to get information to my accountant!
edited January 29, 2021 in Technical Support


  • JulianPJulianP Member Posts: 1,002 ✭✭✭

    Hey @fido !

    I'm sorry to hear that you have duplicate transactions in your account. It sounds like you might be marking your invoices as paid twice. When you mark an invoice as paid, it automatically generates an invoice payment transaction on your Accounting > Transactions page. However, if you are doing so, and importing/creating bank transactions in addition to this, you will be left with 2 invoice payment transactions in your account. In this case, I suggest reconciling your accounts to address any redundant data. This method will help you merge or delete any duplicate transactions. To learn more about Reconciliation, check out our guide here.

    To avoid this from happening again in the future, I suggest the following workflows:

    1. Mark your invoice as paid manually. This will automatically generate a corresponding invoice payment transaction.


    1. Import/create an invoice payment transaction on your Accounting > Transactions page and categorize it as **Payment received for an invoice in Wave". This will mark your invoice as paid.

    Remember, if you use one of these methods, you don't have to do the other. I hope this helps! :smile:

    edited February 2, 2021
  • fidofido Member Posts: 16

    Unfortunately the above is not helpful as what you have suggested I do is EXACTLY what I do. I never mark an invoice as paid but allocate imported transactions to an invoice.
    All the transactions were fine until mid January, when suddenly an entire year (2020) of duplicate unallocated transactions appeared. There is no way I could have inadvetently done this myself as I only ever import a week or two at a time and I double checked the dates in files. It doesn't even match my financial year.

    I have had to go through and manually remove all the duplicate transactions. Big waste of my time, esp. with FYE approaching and the extra time-intensive task ahead of me to research/move my accounts elsewhere (judging by what I've seen, that isn't going to be a simple or smooth transition).

    I guess we get what we pay for (nothing) and since Wave has ditched us non-Americans, this is one more shove out the door.

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