
New invoice showing paid amount and due amount

GBMevents2020GBMevents2020 Member Posts: 1
Hello. I was wondering if wave have an invoice option that deducts the amount they paid from the amount due.

Example. I am a wedding planner. Charge $1000 for full Service. The client will slowly pay that off monthly. So their first payment will be 100$. Is there a way for the invoices to show that they have 900$ remaining when I set them up on the monthly reminder?


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    MichiMichi Member Posts: 1


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    AlexLAlexL Member Posts: 2,869 ✭✭✭

    Hey @GBMevents2020 & @Michi , the reminders themselves will not update the balance and show the amount due, however if you have your client paying the same invoice, they'll be able to access it and see how much they've paid, as well as how much is still left as due.

    Let us know if you have any other questions!

    edited February 23, 2021
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