
New Income Accounts not available on Invoices

APtheDoPAPtheDoP Member Posts: 1

I recently encountered two issues and having trouble resolving -
1. Created new item in "other Income" account, but isn't present/available as line item on invoice. This was working fine previously. Any solutions?
2. As a remedy to the previous issue, I created a new income item on the invoice from the invoice page. After saving, sending, receiving payment for this item, I do not see this new income on "chart of accounts", nor in the "reports" - although my recorded income as increased by the invoiced amount. Again, this item is made available on the dropdown menu on the invoice page, but not Chart of Accounts. I would like to remove/edit and not sure where I can do that.


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    KristenVKristenV Member Posts: 121 admin

    Hi @APtheDoP ,

    Items (or products and services) added to invoices are separate from accounts added to your Chart of Accounts. If you are looking to add a new product or service that could be included as an item on invoices, this would be done through Sales > Products & Services. If you are looking to add a new account, this would be done through Accounting > Chart of Accounts. Because the Chart of Accounts page only shows you a list of your accounts, if you'd like to track your sales transactions, you can navigate to Reports to view an Account Transactions report of your Sales income account.

    edited February 17, 2021
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