Receipts not Posted

StanStan Member Posts: 3

Hello, a first time user of Wave here.

I am attempting to use the receipt function to automate some of the process of entering in expenses.

So far, I have uploaded 4 receipts (3 web, 1 andriod) and all of them have been verified and are marked green. However, none of these items are showing up on my transactions tab.

How do I get these expenses posted?



  • AlexiaAlexia Member Posts: 3,314 ✭✭✭✭

    Hi @Stan,

    Can you show me a screenshot of one of those receipts on the receipts page, expanded so we can see the details? I might be able to give a bit of insight.

  • StanStan Member Posts: 3

    Hi @Alexia thanks for the reply.

    An example of the receipt is attached.

    Essentially, there is no cash in the organization at the moment, but expenses have been paid out of pocket by various personnel.The idea going forward is to have anyone who paid for expenses out of pocket, upload receipts, to which I can select the appropriate accounts to mark them to be repaid later on.

    I would like to record a transaction: DR: EXP, CR: Due to FIRST_NAME (under the sub-ledger for Shareholder). This is to not categorize them as a vendor.

    Thank you!

  • AlexiaAlexia Member Posts: 3,314 ✭✭✭✭

    AHA! @Stan, I have your solution!

    There's an issue with receipts right now where receipts categorized to equity accounts won't show up in transactions. There's a complicated workaround for it, but considering your specific situation, I have a more elegant alternative to give instead.

    Rather than making those accounts as equity accounts, make them credit cards. You'll have to archive the accounts you've already created and create new ones, but this will be the easiest way to track those expenses as expenses that need to be reimbursed.

    As a final, unrelated, note, I saw your introduction post and your organization sounds amazing! I'm proud that we get to be a small part of it!

    edited April 18, 2018
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