
Applying a credit

LSALSA Member Posts: 1

Customer double paid and it shows in the statements as a credit but how do we apply it to an invoice?


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    JulianPJulianP Member Posts: 1,002 ✭✭✭

    Hey there @LSA !

    I'm afraid there's not currently a feature to carry over a credit from one invoice to another, but feedback on this has been raised to our Product Team as a feature idea for possible future development.

    That being said, you would still be able to account for this overpayment credit with a workaround in Wave (I will use an overpayment of $100 as an example):

    1. Navigate to Sales>Products & Services and click "Add a product or service".

    2. Name the product "Invoice Overpayment" and click the Sell this checkbox.

    3. Once the Sell this checkbox is selected, create a new income account for this item by clicking the "+" button. You can choose any income account in the account popup page and simply rename it to something like "Invoice Overpayment".

    4. Navigate to your overpaid invoice and edit it -- add the newly created "Invoice Overpayment" product as an item on this invoice. Change the price of this product to $100. This will mark the invoice as paid.

    5. Navigate to your unpaid invoice(s) and edit it -- add the newly created "Invoice Overpayment" product as an item on this invoice. Change the price of this product to -$100. This will effectively mark the invoice as paid.

    We have a really great article on our help center discussing the different types of Overpayments You May Receive on your paid invoice. Feel free to check it out.

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