Reconcile Column Headings Backwards

JohnThompsonJohnThompson Member Posts: 2

I found this month that the debit and credit column headings on the reconcile page are backwards. Attached is a screengrab that show that income items (e.g. donation) are listed in the debit column and payments from this deposit account show in the credit column.


  • JohnThompsonJohnThompson Member Posts: 2

    I'm also finding that when marking transactions as matched or cleared the Wave Balance and Difference values are not updating. They did initially but when I left reconcile to add a missing transaction and returned to reconcile they aren't updating when matching or unmatching the transaction.

  • AlexLAlexL Member Posts: 2,869 ✭✭✭

    Hey @JohnThompson , the debits and credits aren't backwards, although this is a common misconception with accounting. We do have a Help Center article on this which should help clear things up for you. Check it out!

    For balances which are not updating, I'd encourage you to refresh your page to see if that has any effect. If you're still seeing this issue, can you let me know which browser you're using to access Wave?

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