Tax filing integration with Block Advisors

SystemSystem Posts: 412 admin
imageTax filing integration with Block Advisors

Wave is now offering a tax filing integration with Block Advisors for US businesses. With this integration, you can seamlessly file your taxes based on your accounting data in Wave.
Getting yoursel...

Read the full story here

edited February 21, 2021 in Help Center Discussion


  • FarmgalFarmgal Member Posts: 4

    Wondering if Block advisors have extensive knowledge and experience filing for agricultural enterprises/farming. We are a multi-member LLC in need of filing Schedule F's.

  • truehousemediatruehousemedia Member Posts: 5

    I would like to set an appointment, but I cannot get past the personal info form - it doesn't proceed on either Chrome or Safari. How do I reach out to them directly, instead of using the link in Wave to book an appointment?

  • AlexLAlexL Member Posts: 2,869 ✭✭✭

    Hey @Farmgal , my understanding is that Block has the experience to help you in any capacity with filing your taxes. If you do have further questions, you can contact them at 1-800-472-9283.

    Hi @truehousemedia , I'm sorry to hear that you're having trouble accessing the appointment booking. When you say that it doesn't proceed, is there an issue with one of the buttons that you're clicking or is your webpage just hanging? In the meantime, feel free to reach out to H&R Block directly about this integration at 1-800-472-9283.

    edited March 1, 2021
  • truehousemediatruehousemedia Member Posts: 5
    @AlexL After filling in the required fields of my contact info, clicking the Next button does nothing. The only thing that pops up briefly in Chrome at the bottom of the page is “javaScript:void(0)”, but the page never acts like it’s loading and won’t move to the next step. I just want to make sure I will receive the Wave rate when contacting Block Advisors. Not sure if they will know what I’m talking about if I just reach out directly to my local office.
  • Leo1603Leo1603 Member Posts: 1

    Can I use your tax integration to file forms 1120 and 5472 for Foreign Owned Single Member LLC?

  • tbader0tbader0 Member Posts: 2

    I don't see anything happening with this integration and can't tell what the status of my taxes is. Nobody has contacted me, and it's impossible to tell if anything is happening on Block's end. Also, while I was assigned an advisor, there's no way to get in touch with him that I can tell. This online software or the Wave + Block integration needs work. I can't tell if anything is happening besides that I made an account that doesn't give me any options...

  • AlexLAlexL Member Posts: 2,869 ✭✭✭

    Hey @truehousemedia , based on the javascript error, it sounds like there may be an issue with your browser. Can you try accessing it through a different browser (preferably Chrome or Firefox)? The number posted above is a dedicated line for Block + Wave issues. If you call it, they'll know that it's a Wave related request and they can answer any questions you may have about the integration.

    Hey @Leo1603 , if you reach out through the Block phone line, they can advise on what they're capable of filing on your behalf. HRB would have to comment on this themselves as they are the ones doing the filing. As a point of reference, the phone number is 1-800-472-9283.

    Hi @tbader0 , I'm not sure where exactly in the process you are, but if you do require additional help you can reach out through the Block phone line posted in the answer above this one.

    edited March 8, 2021
  • jimc938jimc938 Member Posts: 1

    If I use the Block integration, does it pull information from my business AND my personal sections of Wave to do a complete return OR does it only pull my business tab/section and do a Section C? This is relevant for personal deductions such as medical.

  • Ellie_8Ellie_8 Member Posts: 1

    Is the pricing listed for tax filing integration priced for the year, or per quarterly filing?

  • AlexLAlexL Member Posts: 2,869 ✭✭✭

    Hey @jimc938 , the Block integration does not pull from the Personal section of your Wave account. It will however proactively ask you to input all of the relevant personal expenses that should be factored in as deductions on your return.

    Hi @Ellie_8 , this is specifically for your end of the year tax so it's a one time fee for the filing.

  • JaydaJayda Member Posts: 1

    I chose to use the integration but my tax preparer isnt seeing any of my information, is this something i need to give him access to?

  • AlexLAlexL Member Posts: 2,869 ✭✭✭

    Hey @Jayda , you have to add your advisor as a collaborator to your business in Wave under the read-only “Block Advisors Tax Pro” role.

  • StevenJayCohenStevenJayCohen Member Posts: 3

    I would like to work with the Existing Block Advisor that I have been working with for MANY YEARS. Can I request that specific Block Advisor through Wave?

  • JulianPJulianP Member Posts: 1,002 ✭✭✭

    Hey @StevenJayCohen !

    If you still have your Advisors contact information, feel free to reach out to them. If not, you can book a call with our Wave Advisors team here to see what they can do for you! :smile:

  • SylviacassSylviacass Member Posts: 2

    What is the price for completing a 990 for a non -profit organization.

  • AlexLAlexL Member Posts: 2,869 ✭✭✭

    Hey @Sylviacass , the prices are firm so this would depend on if you're filing by yourself or having an advisor do it for you. All prices and details are listed within the article above.


    If you link your bank account and categorize all of your transactions will the IRS still need to see itemized receipts?

  • KiahDKiahD Administrator Posts: 267 admin

    Hey @DUSTNRUST ,

    This isn't a question that us here on the Customer Support team have insight into I'm afraid, as we're not trained accountants! I recommend reaching out to a registered CPA for advice on this; I wouldn't want you to follow the wrong advice here.

    edited June 14, 2021
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