
stevie13stevie13 Member Posts: 1

hi i am in the uk and i tried to add a business today the fields were only canada and usa and no £ currency how do i overcome this thank you ....stevie13


  • AlexLAlexL Member Posts: 2,869 ✭✭✭

    Hi @stevie13 , as we recently limited user sign ups for businesses outside of Canada and the US, the Wave system doesn't allow you to set your currency or location as the UK.

    To read more about our decision, check out our post about this [here]!(

  • TerryGTATTerryGTAT Member Posts: 2

    We love using Wave for invoices - so straightforward. Based in UK & only use invoices & estimates - nothing else. Can we be relaxed invoice access will remain in UK for at least next 12 months?

  • AlexLAlexL Member Posts: 2,869 ✭✭✭

    Hey @TerryGTAT , What I can confidently say to you though is that we have no current plans to limit your access to your UK account. To be very transparent, of course we can't guarantee a timeline for any product availability because as we've seen before, things change and sometimes these changes happen with less than a year's notice. As I have mentioned though, there aren't any plans to limit your data.

    If anything changes at any point, we'll make it clear to our users.

    edited March 9, 2021
  • TerryGTATTerryGTAT Member Posts: 2

    Thanks Alex that's a great help.

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