Importing Transactions that weren't in our bank account. HELP! :)

Paul123_Paul123_ Member Posts: 2

We got bank accounts for our non-profit up and running in March of 2020. However, there were several charges/start-up costs before that timeframe. There's no way to import those transactions because that bank account has since been closed but I have a list of the charges. I'd like to add them to our books so we have an accurate picture of our expenses during our first year.

Should I create a journal entry for the expense and allocate it to the correct categories or should it be done differently? Is there an easy way I can do this without messing up reconciliation, etc?

Thank you for your help!


  • KristenVKristenV Member Posts: 121 admin

    Hi @Paul123_ , If you would like to have a record of these transactions from your closed bank account, you are able to add these manually. If you don't have the closed bank account in your Wave account already, you can add it by navigating to Accounting > Chart of Accounts > Add A New Account. Once that account has been added, you can navigate back to Accounting > Transactions and manually record your previous expense transactions. These transactions will be from the closed account and you may categorize them as you feel is appropriate for your situation.

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