
Tax missing in profit & loss report for income

loneill_adm1nloneill_adm1n Member Posts: 1

Hello ! I had to change an income account for a service on my invoices retroactively.

I did the following to change the income account: I went into the old invoices>>edit>>deleted the product>>added product with correct income account>>saved.

Invoice looks good, when I go to transactions and filter all of those invoices the tax is included in the results.

However, when I go to produce a profit and loss report that income account is showing invoice amounts excluding tax. Shouldn't they be a gross income amount ?

I went back into all of the old invoices and deleted the tax and re-entered the tax - still missing in profit and loss.

This is tax that I am charging my client - that I am not going to recover. It's GST on my admin services.

thanks ! Laura


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    JulianPJulianP Member Posts: 1,002 ✭✭✭

    Hey @loneill_adm1n !

    The Profit & Loss report excludes sales taxes. The reason being is so your Profit & Loss report doesn't overstate your income. If you are looking to generate a Sales Tax report, you are able to do so on the Reports page as well.

    edited March 18, 2021
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