Unable to Upload a Bank Statement

Christina91Christina91 Member Posts: 1


It does not matter how many different types of files, browsers, computers have tired, the file will not upload.

I tried changing the format of the files so it had the right number of columns and even tied to upload the example template with some of my own data entered.

I have uploaded my statements into Google Doc multiple ways with still no success.



  • AlexiaAlexia Member Posts: 3,314 ✭✭✭✭

    Hi, @Christina91.

    Have you tried clearing your browser's cache? It might also help.

    If it doesn't, can you take a screenshot of the error message you receive with the developer's console open (you can it by pressing CTRL+SHIFT+J on PC, or CMD+Option+J on a Mac)? That will give us a bit more information on the exact error.

    Finally, can you share a screenshot of a few lines from your CSV file? If it's a formatting issue, we'll be able to help.

    In the future, please only post for a given issue in one place. Posting about one issue will make it harder for other users who have faced or are facing the same problem to find your post and any solution that might have been proposed.

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