
[Issue] - Not able to change 'From' when sending invoices

OanaLOanaL Member Posts: 1


I am an Admin user on Wave, and until now when I sent invoices I used the account owner email address. But since yesterday the dropdown only shows my email address...
I see that there were some updates done, was this feature removed?
Please advise.



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    JulianPJulianP Member Posts: 1,002 ✭✭✭

    Hey @OanaL !

    Did you recently remove or change the account owner's email address in Wave? For instance, if the primary email address was changed, are an email was removed from the Wave account under Profile settings, this would prevent you from selecting the email address in question when sending invoices. If you'd like to change the primary email or add another email address, click the Wave logo in the top left corner of the page, select "Manage your profile" and press the the "Emails" tab. For more instructions, feel free to check out this Help Center article. I hope this helps!

    edited March 24, 2021
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