Unbalanced trial balance

LLCCOMPANY_123LLCCOMPANY_123 Member Posts: 3

I have a problem with my Wave account when I see the Trial balance/Balance sheet/or account balance the amount is unballanced my debit is not equal to credit. I tried to find the transaction who made the difference but I cannot find it.
Could you help me ?!


  • LLCCOMPANY_123LLCCOMPANY_123 Member Posts: 3

    I had no reply from Wave support!!!! :s

  • JulianPJulianP Member Posts: 1,002 ✭✭✭

    Hey @LLCCOMPANY_123 !

    Sorry for the delay. Our support team tries to answer within a few business days, but we are experiencing very high volumes right now and we're working extra hard to make sure that everyone's questions are answered. Thanks for your patience

    I have since notified our team that you reached out on our Community forum as well. One of our support agents will get in touch with you soon so please keep an eye on your email inbox. :smile:

    edited April 5, 2021
  • WildGoobWildGoob Member Posts: 2

    I am experiencing a similar issue and have verified that it's likely a Wave technical bug. I've listed out my logic below:

    • Trial balance listed an imbalance at financial year end of $434
    • I was able to trace the transaction to a specific date (Sep4) by comparing the trial balances of each month end and narrowing down the exact month (and then day) when the trial imbalance occurs. It's fine up to August and the discrepancy occurs in Sep
    • I discovered that it was due to a journal entry. ONE of the debits (an expense) appears to have not been included in the trial balance report. The other 3 accounts impacted by that JE is accounted for in the trial balance (I did a before/after comparison to check)
    • There is NO OTHER transaction that day
    • I have verified that the Profit Loss **report **is ALSO wrong by the same amount
    • In the PnL report, when I click the suspect account (let's call it expense A), a new tab opens and a new report for 'expense A' is generated. This 'Expense A' report summarizes all the transactions for that exact same period
    • The transaction is CLEARLY in that expense A report and it even tallies the CORRECT annual amount in the total below (it is different from the PnL report for expense A).

    In summary, the PnL and Trial Balance report for some reason does not include one account of a JE entry. However, when I click the suspect account in those very reports, the transaction is clearly shown with the correct totals.

    Given that there are no other transactions on that exact day when the trial imbalance occurs, I have to assume there is a bug with Wave itself.

    please advise?

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