
Default income account

PaulDevPaulDev Member Posts: 6

When I create an invoice, and apply an income account to the transaction, it defaults to 'Sales'. However, I'm a consultant and all my income is revenue. Can I change the default to 'Revenue' to save having to change it every time?


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    Carve_FinancialCarve_Financial Member Posts: 2

    Hey, if I'm understanding the question correctly, you can update the default "Sales" by going to the left toolbar and click on Accounting > click Chart of Accounts > select Income at the top > click edit pencil of the account naming convention you'd like to update. Make it "Revenue" of whatever else you'd like, or even add different types of Revenue. Hope this helps!

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    PaulDevPaulDev Member Posts: 6

    Thanks for your response, but there's nowhere in that dialog box to make Revenue the default account when I create the invoice. It always defaults to Sales. Am I missing something?

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    CKELCKEL Member Posts: 5
    Go to products and choose the item you are using for the invoice. Then select the account there you want it to go to and save.
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