
Default income account

PaulDevPaulDev Member Posts: 6

Apologies if I shouldn't post this in two different places but I only spotted this group after placing it in General Discussion.
When I create an invoice, and apply an income account to the transaction, it defaults to 'Sales'. However, I'm a consultant and all my income is revenue. Can I change the default to 'Revenue' to save having to change it every time?


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    AlexLAlexL Member Posts: 2,869 ✭✭✭

    Hey @PaulDev , if you navigate to Products & Services under the Sales tab you can permanently change any old products to new income accounts moving forward. You can also create products & services from this pace with income accounts associated to 'Revenue'.

    Alternatively, you can also change the income account in the invoice when you're creating the product so that it aligns with the income account you've selected for all future choosings.

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