WHY DID YOU CHANGE TRANSACTIONS!!!! so disappointed with Wave's Transaction enhancements!!!

NicholeNichole Member Posts: 7

Wave Developers, Moderators, and Admins- WHAT DID YOU DO!!!! everything that was great about using wave was the simplicity, the easy navigation, and bragged to everyone how I loved using wave. Now with your recent updates- please allow me to address what in fact you did manage to mess up/eliminate during your recent upgrades!

1) when you split a transaction now you have to manually figure out the difference in values whereas before it automatically provided a "remaining balance"

2) you eliminated the merge feature on the main transaction page by clicking on transaction lines.

3) you eliminated the "duplicate" feature on the main transaction page by clicking on the single transaction line.

4) now you created more clicks to navigate around using wave to get to Split transactions, or even worse another click within the click to enter notes on the 2nd tab!

5) now you made the "REVIEWED" radio button so small that we have to fit precisely into the small circular area to click on it.

I admit the only nice thing you did was allow for inline changes, BUT IT SHOULD HAVE STOPPED AT THAT AND NO OTHER ENHANCEMENTS.

I still would have opted to click on the line item and have the details show up on the right of the screen to make the necessary adjustments/split/notes, etc..

I am so dissapointed and really hope your team of professionals could review this discussion and provide some flexibility to us strong supporters of wave. at this point i am really started to become bothered by these changes and the amount of split transactions i have to conduct for my business that is causing more work, manual calculations i need to do myself, and the length of time 1 transaction split is now causing.

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