
New business - setting up recurring invoices

YGFAndreaYGFAndrea Member Posts: 6

I want recurring invoices to automatically happen once a customer makes their initial purchase. (it's for monthly consulting)

So, this is what I want to have happen:
1. Customer is on website and makes purchase of product (that was created in Wave)
2. 30 days later Wave auto-charges the customer's card automatically and sends them a receipt

How do I set this up? It seems like I can only just set up the recurring invoice outside of an order. If I can't do it as indicated above, is my best option to:

  1. Collect payment information through a secure form from customer
  2. Enter the info into Wave, process the first charge manually and then set up the recurring invoice



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    Gabriel_KrozkinGabriel_Krozkin Member Posts: 22 ✭✭

    Hi @YGFAndrea,

    In your case, I think the best option is to:
    1).- The customer makes the first purchase (and you collect all the customer data, address, etc).
    2).- Then you can request the customer their information (send a secure form) for credit card details to "auto-invoice" going forward.
    3).- Setup the recurring invoice yourself in Wave with the information from the customer for recurring charges on month 2 onwards.

    I believe this will be the best "workaround" for your scenario.

    Let me know if you agree, or if you have other ideas.



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    YGFAndreaYGFAndrea Member Posts: 6

    Thanks, Gabriel. I was just hoping for things to be a bit more "automated" so I don't have to do much, but it looks like for now I'll just have to set things up manually.

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