Latest Update Doesn't Allow Users To Add Categories While In A Transaction

trooney7trooney7 Member Posts: 4

Hello Everyone,

I am putting this out there to see if I am the only one affected by the recent update. Prior to the latest update, if I wanted to add a new category while in a transaction, I would type in the category name and if that category did not exist, an "Add Category" option would be listed in the drop-down box.

This option is no longer available and now requires users to leave the transaction, navigate to the chart of accounts, add the category, and then return to the transaction to enter it. It doesn't seem like a lot, but it does affect productivity, especially to my new clients whom I have introduced to Wave and are setting up their account.

Why was this removed? It doesn't seem to me that it was an unnecessary feature, and only made entering transactions and new categories that much quicker.

I look forward to hearing back from the wave team and the community. Thanks!

edited April 14, 2021 in Technical Support


  • JulianPJulianP Member Posts: 1,002 ✭✭✭

    Hey @trooney7 !

    Thanks for reaching out about this. I reached out to our Accounting team about this and I'm happy to let you know that this feature will be added back to the Transactions page. However, I do not have a concrete timeline available as to when this feature will be re-added but it should be soon! For now, you can continue adding new categories and accounts by jumping over to your Chart of Accounts page. Thank you for your patience in the meantime.

    edited April 21, 2021
  • trooney7trooney7 Member Posts: 4

    That is great news! Thank you for the update!

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