Wave in US Territory

FotanFotan Member Posts: 9

I use Wave for a state-side business and love it. I live in the US Virgin Islands, a US territory, and am setting up an LLC here for island based consulting. VI is not in the list of states for adding an address. Is there any reason I can't use Wave in a US territory? I would also need to take payments using Wave, but I don't think there is any special laws regarding this stuff in the USVI. We use US tax code, the taxes are just handled through the territory's Bureau of Taxation.


  • JulianPJulianP Member Posts: 1,002 ✭✭✭

    Hey @Fotan !

    Thanks for reaching out and sharing your kind words with us. I'm afraid that US territories such as the Virgin Islands are not supported by Wave. This is related to the decision we announced on December 1st sunsetting Wave for new users located outside of Canada and the US. If you haven't already, I encourage you to check out this Community discussion for more insight.

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