
rounding tax on an invoice.

CeelabbCeelabb Member Posts: 8

does anyone have any advice on rounding tax.

because wave does the tax on a line by line basis sometimes my invoices are over or under by 0.01 cent.
wave help community suggest this potential workaround.

"add/discount a new invoice item for $0.01 to charge the right amount and mark it as an adjustment entry for the time being"

this works to round the total invoice amount but it doesn't adjust the tax which means over time i would be over paying tax as all the payments adds up.
any help would be greatly appreciated.


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    KiahDKiahD Administrator Posts: 267 admin

    Hey @Ceelabb,

    I just left a comment on the other thread you've posted on, if you'd like to check it out!

    To add to that answer, I'm afraid that there isn't a way to change how the sales tax is calculated, and although it isn't perfect, this is the only workaround that works in Wave at this time.

    That said, I do see how this is an important feature for your business, and your feedback has been passed on to the Development team :smile:

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