
Error updating Customer for a Bill Payment transaction

NishNish Member Posts: 11

In the new interface, I'm trying to add a customer for a Bill Payment transaction. When I click the "Add customer" when selecting a Bill Payment and choose a customer; upon clicking Save - I get the error "There was an error saving your transaction. Please try again."

Would appreciate any help on this please.



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    NancyCNancyC Member Posts: 148 admin

    Hi @Nish The error you're running into when trying to add a customer to a Bill Payment sounds like it is potentially caused by either: browser troubleshooting issue, network issue, or even a temporarily system glitch that can happen sometimes (and should resolve itself out with time)! Are you able to please give these troubleshooting steps a try to see if they resolve the issue:

    1. Sometimes the data stored in your browser can interfere with a website's processes, causing errors like this. I'd like to try having you log out of your Wave account and clear your browser's cache then log back in to see if this resolves the problem. I recommend using Wave on Google Chrome as our software is best optimized for Chrome.

    2. To see if this could be a network related issue - please disconnect from the current wifi network you're on and either hotspot from your phone's data plan, or try to log into another wifi network to see if that resolves the error.

    3. This may have resolved itself with time if it was a temporarily system glitch.

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