Paid invoices aren't logging and more.

Renstar6Renstar6 Member Posts: 2


1st problem - I have invoices created through Wave which have been paid but Wave hasn't automatically placed them into my Income Transactions. They are nowhere to be found.

2nd Problem - tried to transfer income transactions from my personal transactions to my biz account transactions and they transferred but as an expense and not an income.
Its getting very frustrating.


  • AlexiaAlexia Member Posts: 3,314 ✭✭✭✭

    Hi, @Renstar6.

    How did you record payments for these invoices? Were they paid directly through the invoice or did you record the payment yourself?

    Can you share a screenshot of one of those invoices marked as paid, as well as where it should feature on your Transactions page? It'll give me a better idea of what we might be dealing with.

    As for the issue with moving that income transaction, that would depend on exactly what you're trying to do. Can you tell me, step-by-step, what happened in the real world that you need to be translated into Wave? There are a few different ways that feature handles the accounting depending on which accounts are involved, and knowing exactly what you want to represent will help me walk you through the process.

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