Selecting more than one invoice on payment recieved

MoonisMoonis Member Posts: 4

When I deposit a check to the bank I sometimes have multiple invoices on one deposit slip. Then when I go to WaveApps I can only select one option under "Payment Received for an Invoice" while the transactions have the total from two invoices. Any way to select more than one invoice?


  • KristenVKristenV Member Posts: 121 admin

    Hi @Moonis , if you've received a lump sum payment that is for two separate invoices, you are able to split the deposit transaction into two parts, each for one invoice.

    To do this, navigate to Accounting > Transactions and locate the deposit transaction. Then you'll want to edit the transaction and click the "Split transaction" button. Doing this will split the transaction into two parts and you'll be able to categorize each part as "Payment Received for an Invoice in Wave" and select the outstanding invoice.

    For more information, check out this Help Centre article: How to split a transaction

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