Automatic Bank Import - Daily Transaction Total Being Added As New Transaction Each Day

SPLSPL Member Posts: 2

Within the last 2 weeks my connected bank account has been importing 1 extra transaction per day, which I believe is the sum total amount changed in the account for that day. The description for these transactions is always "UNREPORTED_DETAIL_TEXT".

I'm sure this data is actually coming from my bank, but this is not a transaction that should be imported into the transactions list.

Someone from Wave needs to look into this to get it fixed. I've submitted 3 email support requests from when this first started happening up to now, before I was able to figure out what these extra transactions actually represented. I've also replied to the automated response ticket emails with updates as I discovered additional information. I haven't heard anything back from Wave directly yet.

Capital One accounts already had their auto-import ability removed. And now I have to manually double check another bank account's transactions daily to filter out fake transaction records. Has the receipt OCR feature gone away yet? I feel like I'm losing reasons to stick with and even recommend Wave if the core features of the platform stop working.

Can someone at Wave please address this?


  • NancyCNancyC Member Posts: 148 admin

    Hey @SPL Sorry to hear about this, this sounds frustrating! I'm happy to see one our support specialist is working on this with you through email! Thank you so much for your patience.

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